tmesis (tə-MEE-səs) — separation of parts of a word, especially a compound word, by the intervention of one or more words.Examples make it clearer. In order, the instances of tmesis associated with the aforementioned TV characters would be La-dee-freakin’-da, Legen-wait for it-dary and Wel-diddly-elcome or other such diddly-isms. Beyond TV catchphrases, tmesis is employed by English-speakers more often than you might think. There’s a whole nother, for example. And there’s also expletive infixation — the insertion of swear words as a means of intensifying them, such as you might do with abso-fucking-lutely, which means business more than would just an regular old absolutely.
The word tmesis — the only word in all of English to begin with “TM,” according to Wikipedia — comes from the Greek word meaning “a cutting” and was used for poetic effect even in Ancient Greek.
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